Spiritual Meaning of REVELATION 6:11
That Elijah, when he found Elisha, cast his mantle upon him. (1 Kings 19:19).
That Elijah by his mantle divided the waters of Jordan (2 Kings 2:8).
And in like manner Elisha (2 Kings 2:14).
That the mantle fell from Elijah when he was taken up, and Elisha took it up (2 Kings 2:12, 13).
For by Elijah and Elisha the Lord was represented as to the Word, and therefore their "mantle" signified the Divine truth of the Word in general. As also was signified by:--
The robe of Aaron’s ephod, at the border of which there were pomegranates of blue and purple, and bells of gold (Exod. 28:31-35).
That it signifies the Divine truth in general, see (AC n. 9825). "Cloaks" and "mantles" have a similar signification in the following passages:--
All the princes of the sea shall come down from their thrones and cast away their cloaks (Ezek. 26:16).
The scribes and Pharisees make broad the borders of their cloaks, that they may be seen of men (Matt. 23:5).
My people have made themselves an enemy on account of a garment, ye pull off the mantle from them that pass by (Micah 2:8).
Thy dead shall live; awake and shout, ye that dwell in the dust; Come, my people, enter into thy chambers, and shut the door after thee; hide thyself as it were for a little moment, until the anger be passed by. For, behold, Jehovah goeth forth out of His place, to visit the iniquity of the inhabitants of the earth upon him; the earth also shall disclose her blood, and shall no more cover her slain (Isaiah 26:19-21).
But, as was said before, this subject, and others of a similar nature, are treated of in chapter 20 and following, which is explained (n. 840-874).
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Author: E. Swedenborg (1688-1772). | Design: I.J. Thompson, Feb 2002. | www.BibleMeanings.info |