Spiritual Summary of GENESIS 47 previous - next - text - details - Genesis - BM Home - Full Page
AC 6059. After spiritual good from the natural, which is "Israel," has been conjoined with the internal celestial, which is"Joseph," as described in the foregoing chapter, the subject treated of in the internal sense of this chapter is the insinuation of the truths of the church, which are in the natural, into memory-knowledge. The truths of the church which are in the natural are the sons of Jacob; general truth itself therein is "Jacob;" the memory-knowledge into which these truths are insinuated is "Pharaoh."
AC 6060. Afterward, memory-knowledges are treated of, how they were brought into order by the internal celestial which is "Joseph;" namely, that first the truths of memory-knowledges, then the truths of good and goods of truth, and at last the whole natural in respect to memory-knowledges, were brought under their general.
AC 6061. Lastly is described the regeneration of spiritual good from the natural, which is "Israel."
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