Secrets of Heaven (Arcana Coelestia), by Emanuel Swedenborg (Amazon, Swedenborg Foundation)
The Book Of Leviticus Interpreted And Explained, by Henry Maclagan (Amazon)
The Book of Numbers interpreted and explained, by Henry Maclagan (Amazon)
A Study of the Internal or Spiritual Sense of the Fifth Book of Moses called Deuteronomy, by A. Payne. (Amazon, Eagle Pearl Press)
Book of Judges, by Samuel Noble (Amazon)
The First Three Kings of Israel, by William Bruce (Amazon)
The Psalms, by John Clowes (Amazon)
The Book of Daniel Its Prophetic Character and Spiritual Meaning, by Willard H. Hinkley (Amazon)
An Exposition Of The Prophecy Of Joel, by James Hyde (Amazon)
The Gospel According to Matthew, by John Clowes (Amazon)
The Gospel According to Mark, by John Clowes (Amazon)
The Gospel According to Luke, by John Clowes (Amazon)
The Gospel According to John, by John Clowes (Amazon)
Apocalypse Revealed, by Emanuel Swedenborg (Amazon, Swedenborg Foundation)