Spiritual Meanings in Zechariah, chapter 8

Full text of Zechariah 8

1-3: The Lord will institute a church in which will be the doctrine of truth and good, [11]
4-6: where there will be wisdom and innocence. [11]
7-9: Men are to be brought to it from all parts, and it will acknowledge the Lord. [11]
10: There has been heretofore no protection from falsities of evil, which are from hell. [3]
11, 12: It will be different in this church, where truths and goods will continue. [11]
13-17: As the former church has perished through falsities of evil, so this one will continue in truths and goods. [3, 11]
18, 19: It will be in humiliation and in the affection for truth. [11]
20-23: It will grow and will increase in numbers from all who worship the Lord and love the Word. [11]

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