Spiritual Meanings in Zechariah, chapter 14

Full text of Zechariah 14

1-5: The Lord's combats against the wicked, and their dispersion. [7]
6, 7: Then there will be no truth, but in the Lord there will be Divine truth. [3, 12]
8, 9: Then Divine truth will proceed from the Lord. [12]
10, 11: Truth will be multiplied in the new church, and no falsity of evil will be there. [12]
12: He who fights against those truths, will plunge into falsities of every kind. [3]
13-15: Then follows the destruction of the church. [3]
16-19: Then they will draw near to the worship of the Lord, even those from the nations who are external natural. [11]
20, 21: Then from the good of charity, from which proceeds worship, there will be intelligence. [11]

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