Spiritual Meanings in Zechariah, chapter 12

Full text of Zechariah 12

1: The Lord forms the church. [11]
2, 3: Nothing of the doctrine of truth will be in the church, therefore they will shun it. [3]
4: There is no understanding of truth any longer, except with those who are in the Word and of the new church. [3, 11]
5: Then they will learn the good of doctrine from the Lord. [11]
6, 7: Then the Lord will destroy all falsities by the truths of the Word, lest doctrine should teach something else. [11]
8: Then the church will be in doctrine respecting the Lord. [11]
9: Then all men or all things that are contrary to that doctrine will be destroyed. [3]
10: Then there will be a new church from the Lord. [11]
10-14: All things and every single thing of the church will mourn. [3]

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