Spiritual Meanings in Zechariah, chapter 11

Full text of Zechariah 11

1-3: Every external of the church has been devastated. [3]
4, 5: Care is to be taken lest those who are in good be destroyed by them. [3]
6: Falsities destroy the church. [2]
7, 8: There are none to lead the people any longer, [2]
9: but only such as destroy. [2]
10, 11: The Lord's conjunction with them has been sundered. [3]
12, 13: The Lord was betrayed by the Jews, because He taught them. [4, 9]
14: The conjunction of truth and good has been sundered. [4, 9]
15-17: The teacher and the leader destroy all things of the church by falsities of evil. [3]

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