Spiritual Meanings in Zechariah, chapter 1

Full text of Zechariah 1

1-4: Those who were descended from Jacob were instructed in the things of the church, from the very beginning, but in vain. [2]
5, 6: Therefore what happened to them was according to the Word. [2]
7-10: The successive states of the church even to the end are represented, and the nature of their understanding of the Word is described. [2]
11: It is found that there is no church. [2]
12, 13: A new church which will be from the Lord. [11]
14-16: The Lord will institute a new church when the former church has been completely perverted. [11, 3]
17: He will institute it in place of the former. [11, 3]
18-21: A new church from the Lord. Falsities of evil which have destroyed everything of the church. [11, 3]

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