Spiritual Meanings in Psalm, chapter 68

Full text of Psalm 68

title, 1, 2: The hells will be subjugated. [8]
3-5, 31: Those who are in good, will acknowledge the Lord, who is Divine truth itself; [11]
5, 6: He will be their protection; [11]
7-11: He will regenerate them. [11]
12-14: It will not be so with the rest, although they have the Word. [3]
15-17: Respecting the church from the Lord, from whom is everything of doctrine. [11]
18-23: He snatched them out of the hand of the infernals. [17]
24-29: Song in praise of the Lord on this account. [16]
30: The natural man will be subdued. [16]
32-35: Song in praise of the Divine power of the Lord [acquired by Him] through union [with the Father]. [10, 16]

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