Spiritual Meanings in Nahum, chapter 3

Full text of Nahum 3
Theme: Respecting those who have falsified and adulterated the word. [15, 3]

1-4: They will perish in hell. [15, 3]
5-7: All their adulterations will be revealed, and they will perish. [15, 3]
8-10: Knowledges [cognitiones et scientifica] will not save, because they will be dissipated, [15, 3]
11, 12: because they will not protect them from perishing by falsities of evil, [15, 3]
13-17: howsoever they have confirmed themselves by them, but in vain; [15, 3]
18: neither will reasonings save. [15, 3]
19: There is nothing of soundness, therefore their destruction. [15, 3]

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