Spiritual Meanings in Joel, chapter 3

Full text of Joel 3

1: Then the church will be gathered together, [11]
2, 3: and then judgment will be executed upon those who have scattered the goods and truths of the church; [15]
4-8: upon those who are in knowledges [cognitiones] alone and in faith alone, and have thereby destroyed the truths of the Word and of doctrine. [15]
9-12: Combat of good and truth against evils and falsities at that time. [15]
13-15: Then evil is consummated. [3]
16, 17: This is from the Lord, whom they will then also acknowledge, and from whom is the church. [11]
18, 19: The Lord will then teach them the Word, and falsifications of the Word will be removed. [11]
20, 21: Then the church will be the Lord's, and from the Word. [11]

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