Spiritual Meanings in Joel, chapter 2

Full text of Joel 2

1, 2: The Lord will come and will execute judgment [1, 15]
2, 3: when falsity and evil from the sensual has destroyed the whole church. [3]
4-9: Falsity of evil will destroy all things of it by various insanities. [3]
10: All good and truth has been dispersed, together with the knowledges [cognitiones] of them. [3]
11: The Lord will fight with them. [7]
12-17: Exhortation to be converted to Him, to repent, and to be wise. [2]
18, 19: The Lord will establish the church, to which He will give its goods and truths, [1111]
20: and will remove falsities of evil, and thus hell. [11]
21-25: They will have trust in the Lord, from which they will have goods and felicities, [11]
26, 27: and acknowledgment from the heart. [11]
28, 29: By His Divine the Lord will fill those who are of that church with all things and will vivify them. [11]
30, 31: Falsities of evil and evils of falsity will dissipate influx on the day of judgment, [3, 15]
32: but those who acknowledge and worship the Lord will be saved. [17]

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