1, 2:
The Lord will come and will execute judgment
[1, 15]
2, 3:
when falsity and evil from the sensual has destroyed the whole church.
Falsity of evil will destroy all things of it by various insanities.
All good and truth has been dispersed, together with the knowledges [cognitiones] of them.
The Lord will fight with them.
Exhortation to be converted to Him, to repent, and to be wise.
18, 19:
The Lord will establish the church, to which He will give its goods and truths,
and will remove falsities of evil, and thus hell.
They will have trust in the Lord, from which they will have goods and felicities,
26, 27:
and acknowledgment from the heart.
28, 29:
By His Divine the Lord will fill those who are of that church with all things and will vivify them.
30, 31:
Falsities of evil and evils of falsity will dissipate influx on the day of judgment,
[3, 15]
but those who acknowledge and worship the Lord will be saved.