1, 2:
The profaners of truth will be cast into hell and abide in their profanities.
And all their remains will likewise perish.
They are such that they cannot be converted and led back.
They are not willing to know any truth from the Word, but reject it.
Therefore the things they have will be given to others.
11, 12:
They defend their falsities, and call them truths of the church; they do not want it to be otherwise.
Therefore, because they no longer have truth or good, they will perish.
14, 15:
They have recourse to the Word, but in vain.
16, 17:
Then fallacies of the sensual man, and reasonings therefrom, will destroy them and infect them with poison.
Reciprocal grief and lamentation that the time is so long drawn out before a new church consisting of others can be established.