Spiritual Meanings in Jeremiah, chapter 51

Full text of Jeremiah 51
Theme: Of those who by traditions or reasonings from the natural man have perverted the truths and goods of the church, who are here meant by "Babylon." [3]

1-4: All truths of doctrine with them will be destroyed. [3]
5: The Jewish church is such, and is against the Lord. [3]
6: Let them beware of such. [3]
7-10: Those who are there are vastated by such things, and they do not refrain. [3]
11-13: They pervert truths and goods, which they have in abundance. [2, 3]
14-18: They have the Word so that they can be wise, but they falsify it. [2]
19-23: When the judgment overtakes them from the Lord, all things appertaining to them, from firsts to lasts, are to be scattered. [15]
24-26: Their destruction will come, because they have destroyed everything of the church. [15]
27-29: They will seize upon falsities of every kind. [3]
30-32: Hence they will no longer have any power. [2]
33: Her last time is coming. [15]
34-40: They will perish because they have destroyed the church. [15]
41-44: They will be destroyed by mere falsities. [15]
45-50: Let them not come near those who are of the church, lest they perish together with them. [15]
51-53: They cannot resist, however much they trust in themselves. [15]
54-58: Those who trust in their own falsities will come to nothing and will be destroyed. [15]
59-61: This is told to those who in the church have been taken captive by such, and who have become "Babylon." [15]
62-64: They are to be cast into hell. [15]

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