Spiritual Meanings in Jeremiah, chapter 32

Full text of Jeremiah 32

1-5: Indignation that the Jewish church will be destroyed, [3]
6-15: yet the Lord's church will be preserved. [11]
16-22, 25: Prayer that it may be preserved, [11]
23-25: but the former church will be destroyed, [3]
26-33: and it will be reproved because of its evils, which have also been with them from the beginning, although they had the Word and doctrine from it. [3]
34, 35: They have profaned holy things. [3]
36-40: When this has been done, a new church is to be instituted, which will be conjoined with the Lord, and will not be separated from Him. [11]
41, 42: They will have every good. [11]
43, 44: They will then have everything of the church. [11]

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