Spiritual Meanings in Jeremiah, chapter 31

Full text of Jeremiah 31
Theme: Of the new church that will be established by the Lord. This is meant by "Israel" and "Zion." [1, 11]

1: The Lord will be their God. [1, 11]
2-5: The loved one will receive the goods of the church. [11]
6-8: They are to be brought near. [11]
9: They will come, and will understand truths. [11]
10, 11: The redeemed will be guarded against falsities, [11, 17]
12-14: and will receive things spiritual and celestial. [11, 17]
15: They are as dead, [11]
16, 17: but they will finally return. [11]
18-21: They will come out of ignorance of truth into the truths of heaven. [11]
22: They will understand them. [11]
23-28: They will be imbued with wisdom. [11]
29, 30: They will have no falsity of evil. [11]
31-34: They will be conjoined with the Lord, and from that conjunction truths will be inscribed on their life. [11]
35-37: This will be established to eternity. [11]
38-40: They will have abundant and extended doctrine of life. [11]

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