Spiritual Meanings in Jeremiah, chapter 30

Full text of Jeremiah 30

1-3: Establishment of the church with those who have been in spiritual captivity, or in ignorance of truth. [11]
4-7: Then the last judgment will be executed with those who are of the church. [15]
8, 9: Then they are to be brought to the church, and will worship the Lord. [11]
10, 11: Then their spiritual captivity will cease. [11]
12-15: They have been infested by evils and falsities, and there is no remedy, [11, 3]
16: but those who have destroyed, will be destroyed. [3]
17, 18: There will be a remedy from the Lord, who will restore the church. [11]
19, 20: They will be perfected in truths, and it will last. [11]
21, 22: This will be done by the Lord, when He will come, and He will be their God. [11, 1]
23, 24: He will execute judgment upon the wicked. [15]

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