Spiritual Meanings in Jeremiah, chapter 3

Full text of Jeremiah 3
Theme: The spiritual church, or the truths of the church. [18]

1, 2: They have departed and falsified truths. [2]
3: They are unwilling to understand truths. [2]
4, 5: They have merely acknowledged the Word outwardly in the letter, and not even with the Word [in mind], but with falsities. [2]
6, 7: The church in respect to truths, has falsified truths, and has not been willing to be reformed. [2]
7-9: The celestial church, that is, the church in respect to good, has done likewise; as the spiritual church has falsified truths, so the celestial church has adulterated goods. [2]
10, 11: They worship falsities of evil, and have perverted goods more than truths. [2]
12-14: Exhortation to reject falsity and to receive truth, that there may be conjunction and a church, [2, 11]
15: and that there may then be knowledge [cognitio]. [11]
16, 17: When the Lord comes there will no longer be the representative of a church, but a church, wherein the Lord Himself will be in place of that representative. [1, 11]
18: Then truth and good will make one. [11]
19: Those who will draw near shall be adopted as children by the Lord; [11]
20, 21: but the church has become perverted. [3]
22-25: Those who will be of the new church will acknowledge and confess that they have falsities and evils. [11]

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