Spiritual Meanings in Jeremiah, chapter 22

Full text of Jeremiah 22

1, 2: To those in the church who possess a knowledge [scientia] of things. [2]
3, 4: If they do according to the truths of the Word and the knowledge [scientia] they possess, and do not pervert these, they will have intelligence. [2]
5, 6: Otherwise all of their intelligence will perish, [2]
7-9: and everything pertaining to their knowledge [scientia], because they have separated themselves from the Lord. [2]
10: There is no restitution. [2]
11, 12: The church no longer consists of such, [2]
13, 14: because they have made a religion for themselves by reasonings from falsities. [2]
15, 16: Those who were before them in the church were not of such a character; [2]
17: but they perverted the church by falsities of every kind. [3]
18, 19: There can be no pity, but they must be cast out as profane. [3]
20, 21: They are unwilling to give heed to the Word, [3]
22: because they have been imbued with falsities of religion. [3]
23, 24: They can have no protection through the Word, howsoever they acknowledge it with their lips. [3, 15]
25-27: They will come among those who profane the Word, and by means of it make for themselves a religion that is contrary to the truths of the church, from which religion they cannot recede. [3]
28-30: They have not a truth which has not been perverted and profaned. [3]

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