Spiritual Meanings in Jeremiah, chapter 17

Full text of Jeremiah 17

1, 2: It is in their internals to worship only externals. [3]
3: All true knowledges [scientifica] will be taken away; [3]
4: but not yet. They will come into hell. [3]
5, 6: Because they trust in themselves, they perceive nothing of truth and good. [3]
7, 8: On the other hand, those who trust in the Lord always have good and truth. [11]
9, 10: The Lord knows what lies hidden interiorly, howsoever the external may appear. [3]
11: The truths which they learn are of no use to them. [3]
12, 13: Because the Lord is heaven and the church, those who depart from Him are damned. [15]
14-18: Prayer to the Lord, and acknowledgment, that the evil may be removed. [3]
19, 20: The Lord, to those who are in externals: [3]
21-24: that they ought to acknowledge His Divine, which is meant by the "Sabbath," and not violate it; [16]
25: then they will possess an understanding of the Word, [16]
26: and then their worship will be from truths. [16]
27: If they will not acknowledge, the externals will perish from internals. [2]

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