Spiritual Meanings in Isaiah, chapter 59

Full text of Isaiah 59

1, 2: The Lord hears and is able to do all things, but falsities and evils stand in the way. [2]
3, 4: By these, truths have been falsified, and this is the source of evils of life and falsities of doctrine. [2]
5: They hatch out such things as captivate and deceive, and afterwards kill. [2]
6: Those things with them that are of doctrine and of life are of no avail for anything. [2]
7: They are diligent at perverting, whence comes vastation. [2]
8: He that follows, destroys the truths of the church in Himself. [2]
9, 10: For this reason they are in falsities and see nothing in noonday light. [2]
11: Hence there is no salvation, [2]
12-15: because there is nothing but evils, and a turning away from truths, thus from the Lord. [2, 4]
16, 17: Inasmuch as no one was in truth, and no one was on the Lord's side, He alone fought from Divine truth with His own power, [2, 4, 7]
18: seemingly from revenge; [7]
19, 20: therefore Divine worship belongs to Him, for from Him is redemption, [17]
21: and from His Divine is every truth of the church to eternity. [17]

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