1, 2:
The Lord hears and is able to do all things, but falsities and evils stand in the way.
3, 4:
By these, truths have been falsified, and this is the source of evils of life and falsities of doctrine.
They hatch out such things as captivate and deceive, and afterwards kill.
Those things with them that are of doctrine and of life are of no avail for anything.
They are diligent at perverting, whence comes vastation.
He that follows, destroys the truths of the church in Himself.
9, 10:
For this reason they are in falsities and see nothing in noonday light.
Hence there is no salvation,
because there is nothing but evils, and a turning away from truths, thus from the Lord.
[2, 4]
16, 17:
Inasmuch as no one was in truth, and no one was on the Lord's side, He alone fought from Divine truth with His own power,
[2, 4, 7]
seemingly from revenge;
19, 20:
therefore Divine worship belongs to Him, for from Him is redemption,
and from His Divine is every truth of the church to eternity.