1, 2:
The worshipers of God look unto the Lord from whom, and to the church through which [come reformation and regeneration];
because the Lord will fill them with intelligence, and will make them happy;
4, 5:
because from Him is all good and truth, and in Him does every nation trust;
[17, 11]
nothing abides to eternity except that which is from Him.
7, 8:
Let those who love good look to Him, and make nothing of the oppositions of men, because they will perish, owing to falsities and evils.
To the Lord, because He has Divine power, that He may act, because He has strength to remove the hells, that they may joyfully pass over without harm.
12, 13:
There is nothing to fear from the evils thence arising, nor from infestation by them.
14, 15:
The Lord will lead them forth safe, however much hell may resist.
[17, 8]
From His Divine He will set heaven and the church in order,
[17, 8, 12]
17, 18:
constituted of those who have been in falsities of ignorance.
19, 20:
Heretofore there has been a lack of truth and good, a source of falsities beyond measure.
21, 22:
These the Lord will take away,
and they will be given to those who contemptuously reject the good.