Spiritual Meanings in Isaiah, chapter 37

Full text of Isaiah 37

1-5: Of those who repented, and consulted truths of doctrine, [3]
6, 7: and perceived that those who blasphemed the Lord will perish. [3, 2, 4]
8-13: They blasphemed still more violently, as [in the assertion] that He could be of no avail whatever against them. [3, 4]
14-20: Those who consulted doctrine from the Word repented, and prayed unto the Lord for help against the blasphemers, [3, 11]
21-27: and received answer in their heart, that those who blasphemed the Lord will perish; and this blasphemy is likewise treated of. [3, 15, 4]
28, 29: Therefore it will go no farther, [3, 15, 4]
30-32: because a new church will come into existence in its time; [11]
33-35: and therefore the old church will not be destroyed as yet; [2]
36-38: nevertheless, they are to be utterly destroyed. [3]

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