Those who by falsities vastate the truths of the church.
The Lord when He comes, will protect His own.
3, 4:
The vastators will be dispersed by Him.
5, 6:
They will have protection from the Lord by means of Divine truth.
Devastation of the truth of the church will then continue.
They will not care for the Lord.
11, 12:
Falsities and evils will consume all things of the church.
[15, 3]
13, 14:
They will fear the last judgment.
Those who do good are to be saved by the Lord.
[11, 17]
18, 19:
They will not listen to falsities nor believe them.
They will be of the Lord's church, and there they will have from the Lord an abundance of all things of truth,
23, 24:
and of all things of good; and thus no more evil.