Spiritual Meanings in Isaiah, chapter 33

Full text of Isaiah 33

1: Those who by falsities vastate the truths of the church. [3]
2: The Lord when He comes, will protect His own. [11]
3, 4: The vastators will be dispersed by Him. [3]
5, 6: They will have protection from the Lord by means of Divine truth. [11]
7-9: Devastation of the truth of the church will then continue. [3]
10: They will not care for the Lord. [4]
11, 12: Falsities and evils will consume all things of the church. [15, 3]
13, 14: They will fear the last judgment. [15]
15-17: Those who do good are to be saved by the Lord. [11, 17]
18, 19: They will not listen to falsities nor believe them. [11]
20-22: They will be of the Lord's church, and there they will have from the Lord an abundance of all things of truth, [11]
23, 24: and of all things of good; and thus no more evil. [11]

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