Spiritual Meanings in Isaiah, chapter 32

Full text of Isaiah 32

1: When the Lord will reign by means of the Divine truth, [1]
2-4: truth will be acceptable, and there will be understanding of truth, [11]
5: and pretense will cease. [11]
6, 7: Then the false-speaker will speak falsities, and the malevolent will do evils, [3]
8: and vice versa. [11]
9-12: Then all things of the church will cease, [11, 3]
13, 14: and falsity will be everywhere, [3]
15-18: even until there is Divine truth from the Lord; then there will be truth and good, and protection from falsities. [11]
19: Falsity will continue even unto the end. [3]
20: Not so with those who love truth and good. [11]

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