Spiritual Meanings in Isaiah, chapter 26

Full text of Isaiah 26

1-4: Glorification of the Lord because of the doctrine of truth from Him, which they will receive and confess. [16]
5, 6: The old church, being utterly destroyed, is rejected. [3]
7-9: Consequently the Coming of the Lord will then be expected. [1]
10, 11: The wicked will not receive. [4]
12, 13: The Lord alone will teach all things. [11]
14, 15: Those who by persuasion establish falsity of doctrine, are to be utterly rejected by the judgment. [15]
16-18: They could not grow better prior to this, owing to the ignorance in which they are. [11]
19: Nevertheless, they are to be instructed, and will receive life. [11]
19-21: They are to be preserved, while, in the meantime, those who are in the persuasion of falsity are to be destroyed by the last judgment. [15]

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