Spiritual Meanings in Ezekiel, chapter 39

Full text of Ezekiel 39

1-6: Those who are in the mere sense of the letter and in external worship, will come into the church, but will perish. These are meant by "Gog." [2]
7, 8: This will take place when the Lord comes and establishes the church. [3, 1, 11]
9, 10,: This church will then disperse all the evils and falsities of such, [3]
11-16: and will wholly destroy them. [3]
17-22: The new church that will be established by the Lord will be imbued with goods of all kinds, [11]
23, 24: and the former church will be destroyed because of evils and falsities. [3]
25-29: The Lord will then gather together a church from all nations. [11]

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