Spiritual Meanings in Ezekiel, chapter 37

Full text of Ezekiel 37

1, 2: It is represented that the church was destitute of all life from good and truth. [3]
3-6: It is foretold that a new church will come into existence, in which will be life. [11]
7, 8: This also came to pass when that church was first instructed in truths, and was thus made fit for receiving, [11]
9, 10,: and it then received life. [11]
11-14: Thus the Lord did when He came into the world, and a new church was established by Him. [1, 11]
15-20: There were two churches, the celestial and the spiritual, and the two together were one. [11]
21-25: This will be under the Lord, and the two will become one church from the Lord, and will be protected from infernal evils and falsities. [11]
26-28: The church will be different because the conjunction will be different. [11]

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