Spiritual Meanings in Ezekiel, chapter 36

Full text of Ezekiel 36
Theme: The perverted church in general. [3]

1, 2: It has been destroyed by evils and falsities. [3]
3-7: Because it has been destroyed even to its ultimates, those that have been destroyed will perish. [3]
8-12: A new church will be established by the Lord, which will be in truths and goods. [11]
13-15: The evils and falsities of the perverted church will no longer do any harm. [11]
16-19: That perverted church will perish utterly. [2]
20-23: Yet it will still be tolerated because of the Word, and because the Lord is known by means of the Word. [2]
24-30: A new church will then be established, which, being freed from falsities and evils, will be in truths and goods, and will acknowledge the Lord. [11]
31, 32: It will reject evils. [11]
33-36: Its intelligence will gradually grow by means of Divine truths. [11]
37, 38: The Lord will be acknowledged in it, and there will be the worship of Him. [11]

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