Spiritual Meanings in Ezekiel, chapter 34

Full text of Ezekiel 34

1-4: Respecting teachers who regard their own good only, and not the good of the church. [2]
5, 6: In consequence those who are of the church come into an evil life. [2]
7-10: Being such, everything of the church is taken from them. [3]
11-16: When the Lord comes into the world He will gather the church together, and will teach it Divine truths. [11]
16, 17: The evil among them He will separate. [3, 11]
18-20: Evil shepherds destroy everything of the church, [3]
21: and destroy the simple. [3]
22-25: When the Lord comes He will teach and save these. [1, 11]
26-31: He will both teach them and protect them from falsities, and they will acknowledge Him. [11]

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