Spiritual Meanings in Ezekiel, chapter 22

Full text of Ezekiel 22

1, 2: The church adulterating truths and goods of doctrine. [2]
3-6: It is coming nearer to its end. [2]
7-9: They destroy truths and goods by means of it. [2]
10-12: They have been guilty of various adulterations of truth and good. [2]
13-16: They are destroyed. [3]
17-22: Falsities and evils of every kind are mixed with truths and goods. [23]
25: The truth of the Word has been adulterated, [3]
26: also its good; [3]
27-29: likewise the remaining things which, though false and evil, have been made to appear as though they were true and good. [3]
30: Nothing is left over. [3]
31: They will perish in hell. [15]

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