Spiritual Meanings in Ezekiel, chapter 12

Full text of Ezekiel 12
Theme: Vastation of the church, and fulfillment of the prophecy. [3]

1, 2: They are opposed to the Lord and the Word. [3]
3-12: It is represented that the church has departed from them, through the falsification of the Word in respect to the sense of the letter, until there is no longer any church. [3]
13: They have destroyed the chief truths by reasonings from the natural man, [3]
14-16: and consequently the remaining truths, so that there is little left. [3]
17-20: It is not known what good and truth are. [3]
21-25: The Coming of the Lord will not be delayed. [1]
26-28: It is vain for them to say that the prophecies of the Word concerning the Lord will be fulfilled after a long time. [2, 1]

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