Spiritual Meanings in Daniel, chapter 9

Full text of Daniel 9

1-3: The Coming of the Lord, and the end of each church, the old and the new. Revelation respecting the end of the church. [1, 3]
4-19: Confession respecting the Jewish church destroyed. [3]
20-23: Revelation. [3]
24: After the church has been consummated, the judgment will come, and the Word will cease, and so the Lord will glorify His Human. [15, 10]
25: Afterwards a new church will be established, but not easily. [11]
26: Afterwards falsity will invade that church and will destroy it. [3]
27: Still there will be a reformation, but this church will also perish from mere falsities and evils (Matt. twenty four, verse fiften) [11, 3]

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