Spiritual Meanings in Daniel, chapter 7

Full text of Daniel 7

1-3: Revelation concerning the successive changes of state of the church: [2]
4: The first, while they were in the understanding of truth; [2]
5: The second, when they studied only the sense of the letter of the Word; [2]
6: The third, when the sense of the letter of the Word was falsified, and falsity was made to appear as truth; [2]
7: The fourth, when there was faith alone, which destroyed all things of the church, [3]
8: and which was confirmed by the sense of the letter of the Word; [3]
9, 10: they were judged from the Word, [3]
11: and that faith was wholly destroyed, [3]
12: and [those who were in] the former [states] were judged according to their life, [3]
13, 14: and the church became the Lord's. [11]
15, 16: Further explanation of those things: [2]
17, 18: four successive states of the church are meant; [2]
19-21: the last state is faith alone confirmed by reasonings and by the Word falsified, by virtue of which they would prevail; [2]
22: and this until the Lord shall institute the church [11]
23, 24: which has been destroyed by faith alone, [3]
25: and which despises the Lord Himself. [3]
26, 27: Finally those who are in faith alone will be judged, and a new church will be established by the Lord. [15, 11]
28: Thus comes the end. [11]

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