Spiritual Meanings in Daniel, chapter 2

Full text of Daniel 2

1, 2: The future character of "Babylon" foretold. [2]
3-11: This was not known to those who made common cause with "Babylon." [2]
12, 13: They were blinded, [2]
14-30: but it was disclosed by revelation from the Lord to those who were of the church. [2]
31-35: The progress of the Babylonish religion follows: first the rulers would learn and teach the goods and truths of heaven and the church; and afterwards they would backslide, until nothing remained except what was adulterated, thus what was merely false and evil, and then the Lord would come. [2]
36-38: First the Word will be taught there according to truths of doctrine drawn from it. [2]
39: Afterwards the church will prevail, not from spiritual good, but from natural good. [2]
40-43: Finally all good and truth will be changed by adulterations into evil and falsity, prevailing only through civil diabolic power. [3]
44, 45: Then the Lord will come, and destroy that religion, and will institute a church that will be in Divine truth from Him. [1, 3, 11]
46-49: This was the beginning of "Babylon," when it worshipped the God of heaven, and magnified doctrine from the Word. [2]

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