Spiritual Meanings in Daniel, chapter 11

Full text of Daniel 11
Theme: The "king of the south" here means the church which is in truths of faith from good of charity, and the "king of the north" means the religion that is in faith separate from charity; how the changes followed each other did not appear in the world, but in heaven. [11, 2]

1-4: The church among the Jewish nation will be destroyed. [3]
5: Then a new church will be established, which will be in faith from charity. [11]
6: Charity will be conjoined to faith, but faith will prevail; [11, 3]
7-9: and yet with some charity will prevail, and will therefore be the first thing of the church. [11]
10-12: Their posterity will fight for faith and will conquer. [3]
13-16: Faith will gain strength against charity and consequent faith, and will overcome the latter. [3]
17: The dogma followed that charity is from faith. [3]
18-20: Contention about various sayings respecting this subject from the Word. [2]
21-23: They simulated the dogma of charity, from which they had a quasi consociation. [2, 11]
24-26: Confirmations from the Word in favor of charity were explained perversely, and they destroyed faith originating in charity. [2]
27, 28: Painful conjunction. [2]
29-31: Faith broke up the painful conjunction, adulterated the Word itself, and thus destroyed the church. [2]
32-35: It was objected to by many, nevertheless they were overcome. [2]
36, 37: Finally faith alone obtained-a religion which destroys all fear of God and the whole church. [2]
38, 39: It worships another god than the Lord. [2]
40, 41: Thus faith originating in charity was subjugated. [2]
41: Nevertheless those who believe the Word in simplicity will remain. [11]
42, 43: Faith alone will also destroy by reasonings from the natural man. [2]
44, 45: When the end comes, those who are natural-sensual will be persistent. [2]

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