. And when I saw her I wondered with great wonder, signifies astonishment that that religious persuasion is such interiorly, when, nevertheless, it appears otherwise exteriorly. "To wonder with great wonder" is to be greatly astonished; "seeing her" signifies that the woman, that is, the religious persuasion is such interiorly, when nevertheless it appears otherwise exteriorly; for he was astonished to see the woman sitting upon a scarlet beast, arrayed in purple and scarlet, inwrought with gold, precious stones, and pearls, and having a golden cup in her hand, which things were her outward appearance, and yet the cup was full of abominations and uncleanness of whoredom. And he saw written in her forehead, "Mother of whoredoms and abominations of the earth," which are her internals. These things were said by John, because everyone even at this day cannot but be astonished at seeing that religious persuasion so holy and splendid in externals, not knowing that it is so profane and abominable in internals.
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