Spiritual Summary of GENESIS 26 previous - next - text - details - Genesis - BM Home - Full Page
AC 3357. In the internal sense of this chapter the subject treated of is appearances of truth of three degrees, and how these were adjoined to truth Divine in order that truths and their doctrinal things might be received; and that a church might come into existence.
AC 3358. In (verses 1 to 6) are described the appearances of truth of a higher degree which are in the internal sense of the Word, in which appearances are the angels, and in which there is Divine truth and good. And that Divine good and truth cannot be comprehended, thus cannot be received, unless they are in appearances (verses 7 to 13).
AC 3359. Appearances of truth of a lower degree, which are in the interior sense of the Word-in which appearances those men may be who are of the internal church-are then treated of (verses 14 to 17).
AC 3360. Afterwards, appearances of truth are described of a still lower degree, which are of the literal sense of the Word, in which appearances those men may be who are of the external church (verses 18 to 25); and that through these there may still be conjunction with the Lord (verses 26 to 33).
AC 3361. Concerning truths of the memory adjoined to good therein (verses 34, 35).
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