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That a regenerate person is called man, appears from Jeremiah:--
I beheld the earth, and lo it was empty and void; and the heavens, and they had no light; I beheld, and lo, no man, and all the birds of the heavens were fled (Jeremiah 4:23, 25),
where earth signifies the external man; heaven the internal; man the love of good; the birds of the heavens the understanding of truth.
[4] Again:--
Behold the days come that I will sow the house of Israel, and the house of Judah, with the seed of man, and with the seen of beast (Jeremiah 31:27),
where man signifies the internal man, beast the external. In Isaiah:--
Cease ye from man in whose nostrils is breath, for wherein is he to be accounted of (Isaiah 2:22),
where by man is signified a man of the church. Again:--
Jehovah shall remove man far away, and many things shall be left in the midst of the land (Isaiah 6:12),
speaking of the vastation of man, in that there should no longer exist either good or truth. Again:--
The inhabitants of the earth shall be burned, and man shall be left very little (Isaiah 24:6),
where man signifies those who have faith. Again:--
The paths have been desolated, the farer on the path hath ceased, he hath made vain the covenant, he hath despised the cities, he hath not regarded man, the earth mourneth and languisheth (Isaiah 33:8, 9),
denoting the man who in the Hebrew tongue is Enosh. Again:--
I will make a man more precious than fine gold, and a man than the gold of Ophir; therefore I will shake the heavens, and the earth shall be moved out of her place (Isaiah 13:12, 13),
where the word for man in the first place is Enosh, and in the second is Adam.
from AC 478
. The reason why he is called Adam is that the Hebrew word Adam signifies man; but that he is never properly called Adam by name, but Man, is very evident from this passage and also from former ones, in that (in some cases) he is not spoken of in the singular number, but in the plural, and also from the fact that the term is predicated of both the man and the woman, both together being called Man. That it is predicated of both, every one may see from the words, for it is said, He called their name Man, in the day that they were created; and in like manner in the first chapter: Let us make man in our image, and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea (Genesis 1:27, 28).from AC 477
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Author: E. Swedenborg (1688-1772). | Design: I.J. Thompson, Feb 2002. | www.BibleMeanings.info |