A Note About Page
Text citations of the Heavenly Doctrines refer not to page numbers but to Swedenborg's
passage numbers, which are uniform in all editions.
For Example:
"Apocalypse Revealed 34" refers to passage 34 of Apocalypse
Revealed. A reference such as Arcana Coelestia 592:2 indicates subsection
2 of passage 592, marked by [2] in the text itself.
Basic Form
It is recommended
that when referencing the Heavenly Doctrines the author-date system (The
Chicago Manual of Style, Section 16) be adhered to in general form with
a few specific alterations as seen below.
Original Latin
Include the author's name, the title of the work in italics, the place of publication,
and the year of publication.
For Example:
Emanuel. De Coelo et Ejus Mirabilibus, et de Inferno, ex Auditis et Visis.
London: 1758.
Later Latin Editions
Include the author's name, the original date of publication in brackets, the
date of publication of the cited edition, the title of the work in italics,
the name of the editor, the place of publication, and the publisher.
For Example:
Emanuel. [1758] 1862. De Coelo et Ejus Mirabilibus, et de Inferno, ex Auditis
et Visis. Edited by Johann Friedrich Immanuel Tafel. Tubingen: Verlags-Expedition.
English Translations
Include the author's name, the original date of publication in brackets, the
date of publication of the cited translation, the title of the work in italics,
the name of the translator, the place of publication, and the publisher.
For Example:
Swedenborg, Emanuel. [1758] 1778. A Treatise Concerning Heaven and Its Wonders,
and Also Concerning Hell: Being a Relation of Things Heard and Seen. Translated
by John Clowes. London: Society for Printing and Publishing the Writings of
Emanuel Swedenborg.
Referencing Passages
from this Web Site
Include author's name, the original date of publication in brackets, the
date of publication of the cited translation, the title of the work, the passage
number, the translator, a link to the HeavenlyDoctrines.org, and then the url
in triangular brackets.
For Example:
Swedenborg, Emanuel. [1756] 1999. Arcana Coelestia. n. 10125. Translated
by John Elliot. The Heavenly Doctrines.
Once a full citation
has been included in the Works-Cited list, parenthetical citations may be used
to reference these works. For these references, include the short
title or abbreviation from the list below in italics,
the passage number, and the translator's initials or name.
For Example:
(HH 214; GFD) or
(HH 214; George F. Dole) or
(Heaven and Hell 214; GFD) or
(Heaven and Hell 214; George F. Dole)
Table of Abbreviations Used for the Heavenly Doctrines
Short Title | Abbreviation Used by This Site | Other Commonly Used Abbreviations |
Pentateuch | PENTATEUCH | |
Arcana Coelestia | AC | A |
Arcana Coelestia Index | AC INDEX | |
Apocalypse Explained | AE | E |
Apocalypse Revealed | AR | R |
Athanasian Creed | ATH | Ath |
Brief Exposition | BE | B |
Canons of the New Church | CAN | Can, Canons |
Conjugial Love | CL | M |
Consummation of the Age | CONSUM | Abom |
Conversation with Calvin | CALVIN | Calvin |
Conversations with Angels | ANG | Conv, Conv. Ang., ConvAng |
Coronis | CORO | Coro |
De Conjugio | DE CONJ | De Conj, Mar, Marr |
De Domino | DE DOM | De Dom, Dom |
De Verbo | DE VERBO | De Verbo, Verbo, Word |
Precepts of the Decalogue | DECALOGUE | Decalog, Precepts |
Divine Love | D. LOVE | D. Love, Love |
Divine Wisdom | D. WIS | D. Wis, Wis., Wisdom |
Divine Love and Wisdom | DLW | W |
Divine Providence | DP | P |
Doctrine of Charity | CHARITY | C, Char |
Doctrine of Faith | FAITH | F |
Doctrine of the Lord | LORD | L, Lord |
Doctrine of the Sacred Scripture | SS | S |
Doctrine of Life | LIFE | Life |
Earths in the Universe | EU | U |
Ecclesiastical History | ECC HIST | Ecc. Hist, Sketch |
Five Memorable Relations | 5MEM | 5M, Five Mem., 5 Mem |
Formula Concordia Index | FORM CON INDEX | |
Gad and Asher | GAD ASHER | Gad |
God the Savior | GOD SAVIOR | GodSavior |
Heaven and Hell | HH | H |
Influx | INF | Influx |
Interaction Between the Soul and Body | ISB | I, Influx |
Invitation to the New Church | INV | Inv |
Justification | JUST | De Just, Jus |
Last Judgment | LJ | J |
Last Judgment (Continued) | CLJ | CJ |
Last Judgment (Posthumous) | LJP | J. (Post.), LJ (Post) |
Letters | LETT | Letter, Letters |
Marriage Index 1 | MARR INDEX 1 | MarrInd 1 |
Marriage Index 2 | MARR INDEX 2 | MarrInd 2 |
Miracles and Signs | MIRC | Mirac |
New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine | NJHD | N, HD |
Nine Questions | 9Q | Q |
Prophets and Psalms | PP | |
Scriptural Confirmations | SC CONF | SC, S Conf |
Specimen and Sketch | SPECIMEN | |
SpiritualExperiences-Word Explained | SE-WE | |
Spiritual Experiences | SE | D, SD |
Spiritual Experiences Minor | SEM | SD min., SEm |
Summary Exposition Apocalypse | SUM EXP APOC | |
True Christian Religion | TCR | T |
True Christian Religion Additions | TCR ADDITIONS | Tadd, TCRadd |
White Horse | WH | |
White Horse (Appendix) | WH APPENDIX | WHapp |