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When viewed in a connected series, these parables express and describe the whole process of regeneration, commencing with the first reception of Heavenly Truth from the Word, and advancing through all gradations of its growth to the full maturity of heavenly love and life.
The first parable of the Sower, describes the first insemination of Truth, which is the first step towards the regenerate life: the second parable of the Weeds of the Field, describes the manifestation of Evils and Falses in consequence of such insemination, which is a second step, and an effect of the first: the third parable of the Grain of Mustard Seed, describes the small increase of heavenly life, whilst man supposes that he does good from himself alone, and not from the Lord, which is a third state in the regeneration: the fourth parable of the Leaven, &c., describes the temptations consequent on the reception of heavenly truth and good, which is a fourth state: the fifth parable of Treasure Hid in a Field, describes the further effect of the reception of heavenly truth and good, in leading man to renounce his proprium, or his own proper life, that he may appropriate the life of heaven, signified by selling all that he has, and buying that field, which is a fifth state: the sixth parable, speaking of the Merchant-man seeking Goodly Pearls, describes the effect of heavenly truth in leading man to the acknowledgement of the Lord, as the alone source of all good and truth, and to the consequent renunciation of self-love and its guidance, which is a sixth state: the seventh parable of a Net cast into the Sea, describes the last effect of the reception of heavenly truth and good, in accomplishing a full and final separation between Goods and Evils, and between Truths and Falses, so that Goods and Truths are brought into conjunction with Heaven, whilst Evils and Falses are cast down into Hell, and this is the seventh and last state of the regenerate life.