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the blessings this book speaks of come from Jesus, and refer to Him and His kingdom.
His Kingdom is not of this world, neither are the blessings. We begin to understand them as we learn to love Jesus. Only love for Him can properly open our eyes; and only His qualities in our hearts and understandings can receive the blessings. Their first requirement is that we know our spiritual need. Their last is sufficient love for Jesus to enable us to endure reviling and persecution for His sake.
In Galilee it was Jesus whom the multitudes came to see and hear: Jesus who had compassion on them and healed their sick. It is just the same now: it is Jesus whom we all need.
The beatitudes are the beginning of heavenly teaching. They are the actual message of Jesus to the poor and needy, and to folk who are sad and distressed. Jesus brings the good tidings near to people; He tells them the qualities that can really receive the Kingdom of heaven and His comfort.
In the pulpit of a Methodist chapel in the midst of Dartmoor there is a notice for the preacher. It reads: 'Sir, we would see Jesus' (John 12, 21). An urgent reminder and important for speaker and listener. Unless we see Jesus we cannot love Him, and unless we hear His words we will not know how to live.
While reading the beatitudes remember it is Jesus and His love for us, and our need of Him that matters. If we keep this in mind while we read, many a cloud will begin to let the light through.
Jesus is Emmanuel. God with us. He is the beginning and ending, the first and the last. Our Father and our Saviour.
'Let thy mercies come also unto me, O Lord, even thy salvation, according to thy word' (Psalm 119, 41).
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