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'To be the Lord's disciples, is to be led by the Lord and not by self' (Swedenborg A.C. 10490).
'If ye abide in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed' (John 8, 31).
'After this Jesus poureth water into a basin, and began to wash the disciples' feet, and to wipe them with the towel wherewith he was girded' (John 13, 5).
'O loving Lord, who art for ever seeking
Men of Thy mind, intent to do Thy will,
Strong in Thy strength, Thy power and love bespeaking.
Faithfull to Thee, through good report and ill'.
(W. V. Jenkins)
'If man aspires to reach the throne of God, O'er the dull plains of earth must lie the road: He who best does his lowly duty here, Shall mount the highest in a nobler sphere: At God's own feet our spirits seek their rest, And he is nearest Him who serves Him best'. (S. Greg) 20
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