Exodus Chapters
Exod 1: Israel in Egypt
Exod 2: Moses
Exod 3-6: Call of Moses
Exod 7-10: Plagues
Exod 11-12: Passover
Exod 13-15: Out of Egypt
Exod 16: Manna
Exod 17: Water
Exod 18: Jethro
Exod 19: Mount Sinai
Exod 20: Ten Commandments
Exod 21-23: Law
Exod 24: Tablets of Law
Exod 25-27: Tabernacle
Exod 28-30: Priests
Exod 31: The Sabbath
Exod 32: Golden Calf
Exod 33-34: New Tablets
Exod 35: Free will Offering
Exod 36: Tabernacle
Exod 37: Ark
Exod 38: Altar
Exod 39: Priestly Garments
Exod 40: Consecration
E. Swedenborg
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